Experience Wine

Ruth and Caroline sample wines from two magnificent wine growing regions - the well represented Mendoza and the slightly less well known Salta - in Argentina.

Show Notes

Your local wine shop aisle of Argentinean wine has probably been growing over the past 10
years. On this Experience Wine we will sample wines from two magnificent wine regions - the
well represented Mendoza and the slightly less well known Salta. Argentina has a lot more than
Malbec but it’s a great grape to start with.

Ruth recommends https://www.thewinecellar.ab.ca/

What is Experience Wine?

Ruth is with geek with the certifications prove it. Ruth lives and travels wine. Caroline is a server who enjoys wine and wants to learn more about it. Their combined knowledge and experience gives life and joy to the wine experience. It doesn't have to be expensive, it has to be good. Ruth and Caroline talk history, culture, and terroir as they taste and rate wines.