Founder Radio

At Founder Radio, we interview the globe's most exciting founders about their business and their journey. We celebrate founders, and hope to inspire others.

Sophia Hummelman Co-Founded ReCarbn, which is working on reversing climate change, by direct air capture of CO2.  
Sophia was born and raised in the Netherlands and has working in finance at JPMorgan and iFund, in London, Paris and Amsterdam, before starting ReCarbn. 

Amongst many other things, we discussed 
  • How direct air capture of CO2 works
  • What you do with the CO2
  • Recent developments at ReCarbn
  • ReCarbns businessmodel 
  • Sophia’s own journey, all the way from her upbringing to her role at ReCarbn
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What is Founder Radio?

In-depth conversations with the globe’s most exciting company founders