Work Like a Mother

Work Like a Mother with Jessi Duley on shame raging, truth telling and founding a business while having 3 kids

Show Notes

Today, Bridget chats with Jessi Duley, Founder of BurnCycle Spin Studios. 

Rarely do you get to meet someone who is willing to tell it how it is and truly expose all of their vulnerabilities, successes, faults and passions. Jessi Duley, a fearless entrepreneur and founder of Burncycle, a spin studio in the Pacific Northwest, takes truth telling to a whole other level. If only we all had the courage to be as honest with ourselves and each other as Jessi. 

Links Referenced in the Episode:
NeighborSchools Blog- Don't have time to listen? Read the blog with highlights from Jessi's episode
Shame Raging Video- Have you seen this? If not you have to check it out!
The Dip- The business book that Jessi references
Burn Cycle- Jessi's spin studios in the Pacific NorthWest
Burn Cycle Digital Studio- You can take Jessi's classes online! 

What is Work Like a Mother?

Work Like a mother shares stories of incredible women juggling work, life and motherhood.