Founder Radio

At Founder Radio, we interview the globe's most exciting founders about their business and their journey. We celebrate founders, and hope to inspire others.

Joel co-founded London-based Trubrics, which helps product teams track what’s happening inside LLM models. He and his co-founder founded the company when they saw companies investing heavily in LLM models but remaining in the dark on what is going on inside. They’ve just closed a pre-seed round, did their first hire and are about to launch their first version of the product to customers.

Amongst many other things we talked about 
  • Trubric’s pre-seed round
  • LLMs and LLM applications
  • His evolution from engineer to sales to CEO
  • When to seek advice and when to ignore it
  • The sales tactics Joel mastered
  • Joels drive and values
  • Joels first companies at age 13 (!)
  • How Joel manages his confidence
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What is Founder Radio?

In-depth conversations with the globe’s most exciting company founders