The PACE Turf growth potential equation has one variable (the actual air temperature) and two constants. The constants are optimum air temperature and a term for variance that controls the shape of the curve as the actual temperature moves away from the optimum temperature. It's a little more complicated than that, because the constants change depending on whether you are making the calculation for cool-season grass, warm-season grass, and on whether you are using the Fahrenheit temperature scale or the Celsius temperature scale.
If you'd like to attend the 15th International Turfgrass Research Conference in Japan, here's a direct link to the conference website:
What is The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods?
I discuss ATC blog posts, with supplementary information, stories, and the reasons why I thought the topic was worth writing about, and worth reading about. Thus, a doublecut of these topics. This covers grass selection, playability, and all the work done to create a certain type of turfgrass surface.