All Things Considered CX with Bob Azman

Diane Magers and Michael Hinshaw, authors of the new book, Experience Rules, join me on this episode of the podcast. 

Michael is the founder and president of customer experience consultancy McorpCX and recognized on over a dozen "Top Global CX Influencers" lists. He's also co-author of the best-selling books Smart Customers, Stupid Companies: Why Only Intelligent Companies Will Thrive, and How to Be One of Them, and Experience Rules! The Experience Operating System (XOS) and 8 Keys to Enable It, with Diane Magers. 

Diane is a seasoned executive and change catalyst in Experience Management. Founder and CEO of Experience Catalysts. Chair Emeritus and former CEO of the Customer Experience Professionals Association. With a master’s in clinical psychology and an MBA, coupled with certifications in various aspects of experience management, Diane’s goal is to drive meaningful change and foster lasting relationships in our community, for brands and their customers, employees, and partners for aligned purpose and outcomes.

What is All Things Considered CX with Bob Azman?

All Things Considered CX, is a lively discussion about the challenges and opportunities facing organizations as they strive to improve their overall customer and employee experiences. Whether you are a well-seasoned executive or a new convert to the world of CX, our show addresses how to break through all the noise and focus on what matters in achieving better customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. In listening to our show you can expect discussions on timely topics, with guests across a wide spectrum of experience and industry knowledge coupled with provocative questions and actions you can utilize in your organization. Join us for All things considered, CX, and expect the unexpected.