Austin Next

From wargaming to Riskgaming, what can simulations and stories teach us about the future of technology and innovation? Danny Crichton, Head of Editorial and Risk Gaming at Lux Capital, brings his unique insights from his experience in both tech journalism and venture capital.  What started as a conversation on the tech-media divide expanded to encompass human psychology and all the little details and nuances that make innovation tick.

Episode Highlights:
  • The Evolution of Tech Media and VC Communication
  • Building Long-Lasting Companies With and Against Hype Cycles
  • What is Riskgaming?
  • Real World Incentives and Human Emotion in Decision Making
  • Complexity vs Functionality in Modern Tech
  • Ecosystem First Principles 
  • What's Next?
    • "I have been really obsessed with xenotransplantation...Technology exists to potentially give them organs in relatively short order. And to me, it's sort of a national priority to move that very, very quickly, to make that happen fast. We've had the first successful cases. And so the ability to potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives in the next decade."
Hacking Primordial Soups

Danny Crichton:
Website, Articles, X/Twitter, LinkedIn
Lux Capital:
Website, X/Twitter, LinkedIn
Website, Podcast

Austin Next Links: Website, X/Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn

What is Austin Next?

Austin's transformation into a global innovation powerhouse is at the heart of Austin Next. We explore insights into the region's evolution and the building of robust ecosystems. Additionally, we delve into the potential impact of emerging trends, technologies, and their convergence.
Austin, as our real-world case study, helps us aspire to better comprehend the true nature of innovation.