The Dumb Zone FREE

The Dumb Zone FREE Trailer Bonus Episode 235 Season 1

DZ 9-19-24: Jared Sandler and Emily Jones, Blake's night at stand up comedy, and Adrian Wojnarowski's departure

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The Dumb Zone Day at the Ballpark with Jared Sandler and Emily Jones. Blake's fantasy league had their punishment which was 5 minutes of stand up comedy, Adrian Wojnarowski leaves ESPN, and the Australian Office isn't for us
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Creators & Guests

Dan McDowell
Who IS Dan McDowell? Dan is a complex personality, as are most of the small breed of modern day renaissance millionaires.... Email:
Blake Jones
Danny Balis
Left-handed state champion, better in small doses. Querulous at times. 🐀🔫
Emily Jones
I’m an s show, but I mean well. Love my family. Dig my job. Couldn’t care less about my bad hair. Please don't take me too seriously.
Jared Sandler
Radio/TV Broadcaster for @Rangers. @1053TheFan. @BallySports. Founder of @sandlotcharity. @USC_Baseball. Whipped cream. Frozen grapes

What is The Dumb Zone FREE?

The Dumb Zone featuring Dan McDowell and Jake Kemp. A Dallas based podcast covering sports, news, and entertainment. These are the free episodes of The Dumb Zone. To receive the full catalogue, subscribe to our Patreon at