Woodside Bible Church Detroit

When life doesn’t go as planned, have you ever found yourself asking God, “What? Why?” As we continue our Christmas series, Eyewitness: Finding Your Christmas Story in Theirs, we're turning to the book of Matthew, where we see this very situation play out in the life of Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. Listen with us to our newest message of the series, Quiet Joseph, and discover how trust and obedience in God’s plan bring about amazing results!

Show Notes

Have you ever had a time in your life where things didn’t go as planned? And you found yourself asking God, “What? Why?” As we continue our Christmas series, Eyewitness: Finding Your Christmas Story in Theirs, we're turning to the book of Matthew, where we see this very situation play out in the life of Joseph. The Bible doesn’t say much about him, but in the glimpse we do get, God reveals a powerful truth: trusting His plan and walking in obedience bring about His glory! Listen with us to our newest message, Quiet Joseph, and discover how trust and obedience in God’s plan bring about amazing results! 

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Woodside Bible Church Detroit Podcast: Subscribe to listen to the latest sermons from Woodside Detroit :: Updated Weekly :: At Woodside, our mission is to Belong to Christ, Grow in Christ, and Reach the world for Christ. :: For more information, visit us at