The Pollsters

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2016: Iowans are trying to make Sanders and Carson happen.


So this big news this weekend is a Des Moines Register poll showing Clinton
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Show Notes

Welcome new listeners! Don’t forget to write us a review on Stitcher or iTunes so others can more easily find the show.   2016: Iowans are trying to make Sanders and Carson happen.   So this big news this weekend is a Des Moines Register poll showing Clinton

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Creators & Guests

Kristen Soltis Anderson
Pollster/founder: @echeloninsights. On-air: @cnn. Writer: @nytopinion, The Selfie Vote. Florida woman in DC. Go Gators.
Margie Omero
Margie Omero is a Principal at the Democratic polling firm GBAO with over 25 years of experience providing strategic advice and qualitative and quantitative research to candidates, organizations, and brands.

What is The Pollsters?

Politics. Policy. Polling. Pop Culture.

Explore what America's thinking with two of the country's leading pollsters-the bipartisan team of Democrat Margie Omero and Republican Kristen Soltis Anderson. In this weekly podcast we take a fresh, friendly look at the numbers driving the week's biggest stories in news, politics, tech, entertainment and pop culture. Along with the occasional interview with pollsters, journalists, and other industry leaders, we'll lift the hood on the numbers revealing the hidden secrets of the public's mind.