Walking with the Archetypes

We explore the Symbolism of Easter today in the context of Initiation.

Show Notes

Eivind wraps up a podcast week featuring the 5 Days to Personal Power Challenge. And he does so on Good Friday, which is perhaps the most potent date in the Christian Calendar, as it describes the Passion of the Christ.

Christianity is full of symbolism that holds meaning to us in the 21st century, when we look for it. And in this episode, we explore why dying to our small self and resurrecting to our divine Self is so vital.

Happy Easter, everyone!

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What is Walking with the Archetypes?

Join Reclaim your Inner Throne founder Eivind F. Skjellum on his walks in nature, where he takes you into a world of myth, current world events and masculinity.

An authority on the King, Warrior, Magician, Lover archetypes, Eivind takes esoteric ideas and translates them for you to grounded daily Lessons on Life, Love & Leadership.

Welcome to an inspiring and empowering conversation, designed to help you rise in life.

Note: Starting May 2021, the podcast episodes are launched once per week, on a Friday. (Prior to this, there is an episode every day)