Decarb Connect

Dr Paula Carey joins Alex to look at the monetization of co2 and how re-use technologies can create new business models for traditional industries.

Show Notes

Attention amongst hard to abate sectors is turning more to how to invest at scale in decarbonisation, and to do that - what business models exist to make co2 planning sustainable. Dr Paula Carey, Co-Founder & Technical Director of Carbon8, joins Alex to talk about the essential shift in mindset that is needed… viewing co2 as an asset rather than an expense or liability.

Listen in to the conversation as it explore why it’s taken so long for this mindset shift to start to happen – and how industrials can find markets for their captured co2.

Explore what impact this can have on the planning and financing of projects and the different forms of co2 utilisation and their relative impact in decarbonisation terms.
You’ll also learn about Carbon8’s own technology and their project at one of Vicat’s plants in France, where flue gas from cement production is being converted to an additive for aggregates.


What is Decarb Connect?

Examining the strategies and deployments around decarbonisation in hard to abate sectors, we speak with CEOs, heads of corporate strategy, CTOs, Innovation/R&D, project directors & heads of carbon management from around the world. Hosted by Alex Cameron of the Decarbonization Leaders Network and Decarb Connect & produced by Janno Media.