The RIMproReport with Tom Adams

Charlotte is the PR and Marketing Manager for Shredall & SDS based in Nottingham, England. Shredall & SDS did some pretty cool things before she arrived. But when Charlotte showed up, she brought some focus and direction to the company as well as tactical actions that she shares with us on the show today.

Show Notes

You might think that being involved in the hit British TV show The X Factor and hanging with Simon Cowell on the set would be quite glamorous. But for Charlotte Williams, it’s all just part of a great story that eventually led her to our industry.

Charlotte is the PR and Marketing Manager for Shredall & SDS based in Nottingham, England. Shredall & SDS did some pretty cool things before she arrived. But when Charlotte showed up, she brought some focus and direction to the company as well as tactical actions that she shares with us on the show today.

Learn about some of the things she’s done at the company to help them create a powerful presence in the marketplace including earning awards, generating publicity, and focusing on Shredall & SDS’ original success tactics.

Charlotte understands media and uses it to her advantage. You can definitely learn something from her today.

We also get you caught up on the latest industry news.

Enjoy the show.

Special Thanks to our Exclusive Show Sponsor, O’Neil Software.

Creators & Guests

Tom Adams
An executive coach, Tom Adams helps entrepreneurs & executives expand the vision of their lives so that they flourish & as a result, their businesses will too.

What is The RIMproReport with Tom Adams?

The RIMproReport was a weekly show dedicated to the RIM services industry featuring industry news, updates, products and services as well as interviews with interesting industry business leaders, practitioners and experts that ran officially from July 2010 through January 2014. It was hosted by Tom Adams, industry consultant, advisor and coach.