Traumatic Brain Injury Research

Traumatic Brain Injury Research Trailer Bonus Episode 9 Season 1

Andrea Trotta Gagliano On A First Look at TBI Research

Andrea Trotta Gagliano On A First Look at TBI ResearchAndrea Trotta Gagliano On A First Look at TBI Research


In this first episode, I met up with Andrea Trotta Galliano, (Ms. Gagliano was a research assistant when this podcast was recorded) is a Senior Research Coordinator in the Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Research. She has worked at the Foundation since 2012 and is also a Licensed Professional Counselor on several current TBI protocols. Her main responsibilities are inpatient recruitment for two national projects, along with data collection & management, and administration of clinical assessments and interventions. She also volunteer as a facilitator for a Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey (BIANJ) sponsored brain injury support group where she provides psychological and psychoeducational support for survivors of brain injury and their caregivers.

Show Notes

My Life as A Research Assistant at Kessler Foundation Series: Andrea Trotta Gagliano On A First Look at TBI Research

Read the transcript

*** Originally recorded on March 31st, 2016, updated July 13, 2020 ***

*** Andrea is currently a Research Coordinator in the Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Research at Kessler Foundation***

Welcome to our newest podcast series, “My Life As  A Research Assistant”. This series is brought to you by Kessler Foundation, where we are changing the lives of people with disabilities.

Research assistants are on the front lines of our research studies collecting data, conducting interviews, testing subjects, and are the face of Kessler Foundation to our research study participants. In 2020, Kessler Foundation was ranked among one of the Best Nonprofits to Work For and Best Places to Work in New Jersey (!

Throughout this series, we’ll meet up with research assistants from our centers for mobility, spinal cord injury, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neuroscience and neuropsychology who have been with the Foundation for over a year, and some who are now senior research assistants, nurses, medical students, graduate students, and post docs, and those who applied their experience to other professions.

In this first episode, I met up with Andrea Trotta Galliano, (Ms. Gagliano was a research assistant when this podcast was recorded) is a Senior Research Coordinator in the Center for Traumatic Brain Injury Research. She has worked at the Foundation since 2012 and is also a Licensed Professional Counselor on several current TBI protocols. Her main responsibilities are inpatient recruitment for two national projects, along with data collection & management, and administration of clinical assessments and interventions. She also volunteer as a facilitator for a Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey (BIANJ) sponsored brain injury support group where she provides psychological and psychoeducational support for survivors of brain injury and their caregivers.

Read more about Andrea Trotta Gagliano

For more about the Host: Joan Banks-Smith

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This podcast was recorded on Thursday, March 31st, 2016 at 300 Executive Drive, West orange, NJ and was edited and produced by Joan Banks-Smith, Creative Producer for Kessler Foundation.
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What is Traumatic Brain Injury Research?

After traumatic brain injury (TBI), life changes forever for individuals and families. Through research, we develop new ways to help individuals recover cognitive function and mobility, and equip families and caregivers with the long-term support they need to adjust to living with brain injury.