pod(CAST HANDSTAND): Gymnastics & CrossFit

Welcome back my people!

Did you hear about the return of one Gabby Douglas? She returned to competition this past weekend. Here is a video of her FLOOR ROUTINE from the American Classic where she qualified to the US Championships. Not too shabby for taking 7 years off!

Today we are going to talk about mastering basic skills. Why is this important? I'm glad you asked. Today I will answer all those questions and hopefully give you both insight as an athlete and possibly how to help your child why it is so important to master the easy stuff before they can master the more difficult stuff.

Here is the link to the HOLLOW BODY TRAINING VIDEO I mentioned in the podcast. Remember the hollow body is the building block for so many gymnastics skills you will also find in CrossFit.

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What is pod(CAST HANDSTAND): Gymnastics & CrossFit?

Welcome to pod (CAST HANDSTAND), where we flip the script on gymnastics, CrossFit, and all things fitness-related. Hosted by JR Jaquay, this podcast is your ultimate guide to understanding the mindset needed to be successful as both a coach and an athlete.

Each episode, we dive headfirst into the world of fitness, exploring the techniques, training methods, and inspirational stories behind demanding sports. Whether you're an athlete, coach, or parent, pod, (CAST HANDSTAND) has something for everyone, with expert tips, interviews, and discussions on the latest trends and innovations for athletes and coaches.

And of course, we tackle broader fitness-related topics, offering insights, advice, and motivation to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you're striving for peak performance in your sport or simply aiming to live a healthier, more active lifestyle, pod (CAST HANDSTAND) is here to support and inspire you every step of the way.

So grab your chalk, lace up your shoes, and get ready to join the conversation on pod (CAST HANDSTAND). It's time to elevate your fitness journey to new heights.