Leader Activated With Joanne Lee

Leader Activated With Joanne Lee Trailer Bonus Episode 31 Season 1



Episode 31 - READY OR NOT

In this episode, I will be sharing with you on how to get ready or not be ready. This episode is to share with you how you can never be ready for anything, you basically practice and be prepared so you can be ready at all times.

If circumstances come, chances are, you don’t know what to do or how to react. That is why you need to do some preparations to prepare yourself. However, sometimes, if things come unexpectedly, you can hardly prepare for it.

If things turn to this, bravery is what you need. Be brave to face the situation even if you are not armed for the battle. Embrace the circumstances. Believe me, you can get through this, you just have to face it and overcome it.

Here and there, things come unexpectedly. Be ready to embrace it no matter what. Don’t fret, don’t run away, it is there for a reason and for you to best it.

Key Takeaways:
  1. In life, you can hardly prepare for things
  2. Circumstances come, you face it and brace yourself for it.
  3. Take action and you’ll get better along the way.
  4. Don’t wait for the right time to come, some opportunities only knock once.
  5. Stop wasting your time. Do the things that can make you succeed.

Key Resources:
Visit Me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/askjoannelee
Connect With Me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/askjoannelee
Visit Me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/askjoannelee/
Tune in to My Podcast: https://shor.by/leaderactivatedshow

What is Leader Activated With Joanne Lee?

This is the Leader Activated show.
Hi, I'm Joanne Lee. I have 3 teenagers who are the light of my life. Being a stay at home mum, I too have my dreams. Now I am a mumprenuer in the beauty and wellness business. Over the years I've learnt how to manage both dreams and family. In this Show, we'll discuss about getting out of your comfort zone, cultivating growth mindset and overcoming naysayers and dream slayers.

From raising kids, juggling a career and living our dreams.
I believe that women in asia can have it all. Here you'll learn practical tips and strategies on how to activate the leadership in you!

Welcome to Leader Activated!