Quiz and Hers

This week, things get a bit grim, because Justin has written six trivia questions all about death, dying, and the dead. We also die-ve (sorry) into discussions of baseball, literature, and a classic rock band (but probably not the one you’re thinking of)!

2:30: Q1 (Movies & TV): Dead 7 is a schlocky zombie movie written by Nick Carter – no, really – that premiered on what basic cable channel, which largely specializes in schlocky movies?

8:52: Q2 (Arts & Literature): “Death” is a short story, and Death in Venice, a novella, by what German writer, also known for the novels The Magic Mountain and Doctor Faustus?

16:57: Q3 (Sports & Games): Roughly lasting from 1900 to 1920, what “era” of baseball was characterized by low-scoring games, a lack of home runs, and some seriously messed up equipment?

24:14: Q4 (Everything Else): Death is one of the Major Arcana in what type of deck of cards, which is used for certain specialized games, and for divination?

29:55: Q5 (Times & Places): Bordering the Great Basin Desert, what is thought to be the hottest place on Earth?

36:28: Q6 (Music): What rock band shares its name with the river in Greek mythology that the dead were ferried across to the underworld?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0

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What is Quiz and Hers?

The trivia podcast where we test each other's knowledge, and the strength of our relationship.