Kids Beach Club® Training Portal

KBC Club Leader Suzanne Massey explains how to make Beach Club the best hour each week for the kids who attend club: talking positive, hearing God's word, and loving on them.

Show Notes

KBC Club Leader Suzanne Massey explains how to make Beach Club the best hour each week for the kids who attend club: talking positive, hearing God's word, and loving on them.  For the video version of this training, click here. To learn more about KiDs Beach Club®, please visit our webpage

What is Kids Beach Club® Training Portal?

KiDs Beach Club is an after-school program in public schools based around character growth through the lens of scripture. The KiDs Beach Club® Training Portal podcast includes tips and tricks to make your beach club the most exciting hour fo a child's week. We want to do all we can to help those most impressionable in our public schools. To learn more about our after-school program, please visit