Living Untitled

Playwright Diana Burbano speaks with Justin Boone about ditching the tragedy porn of Latino representation…

In this episode of Living Untitled, guest Diana Burbano shares her experience as an artist, teacher and leader in theater about how to advocate for artists and actors, helping them find and maintain their voice in the process of developing theater. What happens when we welcome in our discomfort, rather than pushing it away? What can change?

Show Notes / Additional resources:
“Covering: The Hidden Assault On Our Civil Rights”

What is Living Untitled?

Living Untitled explores our untitled world through conversations with visionary problem-solvers. Beyond a podcast, it's an invitation to contemplate living an untitled life, reimagining the inevitable. This invitation encourages us to recognize that questions lead to more questions and that the seemingly inevitable can still be open to reimagining. Join us and our community on a journey into the heart of problem-solving, exploring the untitled life, one question at a time.