The Uncultured Saints

1️⃣ Jesus predicts his dying and rising. ⚰️🌅

 Did you know that Jesus told his disciples that he would die and rise? 😮 

One of those predictions happens right here.👇

The disciples don't get it. 🤔 

They've seen Jesus raise people from the dead, but they've never seen someone raise themself. 🧟‍♂️ 

Why is Jesus so secretive about their journey through Galilee? 🤫 

The Uncultured Saints have some ideas . . . 💡 

Jesus is moving away from the individual miracles  ✨ to the world changing miracle of the cross to solve our biggest problem and sickness — our sin. ✝️🌍

2️⃣ The disciples then get into a funny argument about which of them is the greatest. 🏆 

Jesus puts in front of them a person who is the most helpless, can accomplish the least, and is the most needy — a child. 👶 

And he says: "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me." 🤗 

This was at a time when children were seen as a tax on resources, they died young, and they were seen and not heard. 😔 

If we want to receive the kingdom of God, we must receive it as little children — as completely utterly helpless individuals who can't lift a finger to save ourselves. 🙏

3️⃣ John wants to stop others from casting out demons. 😈🚫 

Jesus tells John to simmer down. Why? 🤔 

They aren't doing it in their own name, but in the name of Jesus. ✨ 

This brings up questions about the church . . . ⛪ 

If anyone can do the work of Christ, then why do we need pastors? 🧑‍🍳 

Questions to ask:

✔️Is the person preaching the true word of God? 📖

✔️ Is he administering the sacraments according to God's institution? 🍷🍞

4️⃣ Jesus says to cut off your hand if it causes you to sin. ✋🔪

 Is Jesus being literal here? 🤨 

This is about excommunication.🚪 

If there is somebody in the church who is dragging the rest of the church to hell through unbelief, it would be better that the person be cut off. ⚔️

Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO. 

Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

#higherthings #lcms #lutheran #biblestudy

What is The Uncultured Saints?

We’re told the same thing over and over. Christianity doesn’t fit with today’s culture. The thing is, it isn’t the culture saying it. It’s the church. We’ve done a great job figuring out what we’re not. Sometimes we forget what we are. We’re the saints, washed in the blood of the lamb. We’re sinners Jesus made holy. This defines us. There are places Christianity doesn’t fit with today’s culture because Christianity isn’t bound by culture. We’re free in Christ to be uncultured. Not against it. Not apart from it. Undefined by it, because we’re defined by something greater. Join Pr. Goodman and Pr. Lietzau, the uncultured saints, as we tackle today’s issues through the lens of the Lutheran Confessions and find answers to today’s questions rooted in a timeless truth in Christ.