Autonomous IT

Welcome to the Heroes of IT podcast, hosted by Automox’s Ashley Smith. In this podcast, Ashley interviews IT heroes ready to share their insights, successes, challenges, and stories from the field. Join us as we talk endpoint management tips and tricks, how to overcome hurdles, and celebrate IT heroes’ contributions to technology.

Creators & Guests

Ashley Smith
Ashley Smith isn't just the voice behind the Heroes of IT podcast, she's a beacon for customer satisfaction and engagement. With her roots deeply planted in customer marketing, Ashley brings an unparalleled passion for nurturing strong, impactful relationships. At Automox, she ensures IT heroes are equipped, supported, and celebrated. Her episodes are treasure troves of insight, packed with real-world successes and solutions to the toughest challenges in IT. Ashley has a knack for getting IT practitioners to open up, making her interviews a gold mine for anyone wanting to grasp the intricacies of IT.

What is Autonomous IT?

Go from monotonous to autonomous IT operations with this series. Hosts from Automox, the IT automation platform for modern organizations, will cover the latest IT trends; Patch Tuesday remediations; ways to save time with Worklets (pre-built scripts); reduce risk; slash complexity; and automate OS, third-party, and configuration updates on all your Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints. Automate confidence everywhere with Automox.