Healthy Spaces

The statement “back to school” never meant more than it did in 2021 as many students returned to their school buildings for the first time in about a year and a half. There was an abundance of unknowns, including uncertainty around the state of the facilities. Many stakeholders questioned if school buildings themselves were healthy enough to prepare students and teachers for learning success.

Show Notes

In this episode, co-host Portia Mount from Trane Commercial shares what she learned as she interviewed leaders in research and advocacy who are actively working to address the infrastructure of school buildings, including the quality of their indoor learning environments. In 2019, 41% of school districts in the U.S. needed to upgrade or renew their heating and cooling systems in at least half their schools. And since then, the pandemic has increased our need to address inadequacies. The call to action is clear.

What is Healthy Spaces?

Welcome to the Healthy Spaces podcast, where we explore how climate technology and innovation are transforming the spaces where we live, work, learn and play. Join us for conversations with sustainability leaders, startups and scientists about what’s next and how we are making a positive impact on people and the planet. Listen in…