FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids!

FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids! Trailer Bonus Episode 19 Season 4

Be #FDNYSmart and support CPR-AED awareness!

Be #FDNYSmart and support CPR-AED awareness!Be #FDNYSmart and support CPR-AED awareness!


In this episode of the FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids! we’re taking part in the annual CPR-AED Awareness campaign! This initiative spotlights how lives can be saved if more people know hands-only CPR and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator. Listen in to learn how YOU can help save a life using this lifesaving technique and tool.

Show Notes

In this episode of theFDNYSmartPodcastfor Kids!we’re taking part in the annualCPR-AEDAwarenesscampaign!Thisinitiativespotlights how lives can be saved if more people know hands-onlyCPRand how to use an Automated External Defibrillator.Listen in to learnhow YOU can help save a life using this lifesaving technique and tool.

What is FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids!?

From the FDNY Fire Zone in New York City, the FDNY, FDNY Foundation and its Partners, introduce the FDNY Smart Podcast for Kids! The show brings together FDNY members, fire and life safety educators, New York City students, and more to empower all who listen with lifesaving information on a wide array of topics.