Reputation Capital

An original influencer, Lisa Marie Platske is passionate about upside thinking and tells us exactly what that means. She shares stories of her time in law enforcement, and how being seen for her external appearance drove her to learn to speak up for herself. She speaks to the necessity and the differences of being seen, heard, recognized, and rewarded. She also discusses the importance of people realizing that the courageous, vulnerable feminine leader is capable of making a dynamic difference. Lisa Marie left us with these inspiring words, ”Life is change, growth is optional.” Our conversation is just the beginning.

Show Notes

🌎 The world continues to change and evolve as does Lisa’s work. 2:39
👩‍💼 Lisa was called “hair and nails” at the start of her law enforcement career. 4:21
👀 Her score on an interpersonal skills assessment was an eye-opener. 6:55
🛣️ How Lisa’s tough childhood influenced her decision to go to college and what to study there. 09:51
🧓 Lisa’s grandfather was the first to recognize her dynamic energy. 12:58  
🗣️ Giving a voice to the voiceless. 14:37
🙃 Upside thinking vs. positive thinking. 17:06
💡 The world needs you and your brilliance. 20:12
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What is Reputation Capital?

We live in the age of reputation. Influencers, gurus, wizards, czars, geeks, mavens, and thought leaders rule the roost. So what about you?

We ask difficult questions of hustlers and heros, founders and failers … those who have done it, are doing it, and will get things done.

Capitalize on your reputation. Step out of the shadows. Shift the earth on its axis. #YOLO.