Critical Conversations with Gretchen Jones, The Podcast

In this episode I speak to Austin Texas based jewelry designer come feng shui practitioner Susan Domelsmith. Susan recently launched her business Clear Space, just as she dove into another MAJOR role - motherhood. We discuss the trials and tribulations of professionally pivoting without fully letting go of the financial security she built and depends on through her jewelry label. Her life has and will continue to evolve in both her personal and professional roles, identifying opportunities that support her needs on both sides might just be the way forward.

Show Notes


What is Critical Conversations with Gretchen Jones, The Podcast?

Dive into Gretchen Jones's studio and sit in on series of unscripted sessions with her clientele, a diverse range of talented creative professionals. You’ll listen in as she guides each individual towards the self-actualized change they seek - for themselves, their businesses, and their professions.