The Growtime Show

Titus 1:2 (In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began)

Discover how to overcome doubt and embrace God's promises in your business journey. Kenneth Ott shares a powerful personal story of faith, illustrating how trusting in divine guidance can lead to unexpected opportunities and success.

In this inspiring episode of the Grow Time Business Devo, Kenneth Ott tackles the universal challenge of overcoming doubt in business and life. Drawing from his recent experience of purchasing a new office building, Ott illustrates how God's promises can manifest in unexpected ways, even when circumstances seem discouraging. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing God's promises as facts, believing in their truth, and resting in that knowledge.
Ott explores the nature of faith, distinguishing it from mere willpower and highlighting its foundation in God's unwavering promises. He encourages listeners to identify their God-given desires and talents, viewing them as potential pathways to their ultimate calling. Through his personal anecdote, Ott demonstrates how setbacks and disappointments can actually be divine redirection towards greater opportunities.
The episode delves into the critical role of human cooperation in realizing God's promises, urging listeners to take action rather than succumb to worry or doubt. Ott stresses that anxiety and doubt can hinder progress by distracting from necessary actions. He concludes with a powerful reminder that true rest comes from trusting in God's promises, enabling entrepreneurs to work from a place of peace rather than striving for it.
This Business Devo offers practical wisdom for Christian entrepreneurs facing uncertainty, providing a blueprint for overcoming doubt and moving forward with confidence in God's guidance.

Top 3 Growth Tips
  • Recognize Promises as Facts: Understand that God's promises are as reliable as facts. This mindset shift can help in overcoming doubt and building unwavering faith. [10:25]
  • Seek and Nurture Your Desires: Don't squash your unique desires and talents. Instead, view them as potential pathways to your God-given mission and calling. [18:30]
  • Cooperate with the Promise: Remember that realizing God's promises requires your active cooperation. Take action instead of worrying, as anxiety can hinder progress. [27:45]

For more tips, discussion, and behind the scenes:

About Ken Ott:
Kenneth Ott is an owner of multiple businesses, entrepreneur, husband, father, and Christian leader. Ken is the co-Founder of Metacake, an Ecommerce Growth Team and Dough Capital. Ken is an author, speaker, and business coach. To connect or learn more, visit: 
Show Highlights
[00:41] Kenneth introduces the topic of overcoming doubt in challenging circumstances.
[02:55] The importance of revisiting God's promises when facing difficulties.
[04:22] Reading from Titus 1:2 about God's inability to lie.
[7:12] Explanation of what faith truly is and how it differs from willpower.
[9:04] The significance of recognizing God's promises as facts.
[11:13] Kenneth shares his personal story about purchasing a new office building.
[12:55] How initial setbacks led to a better opportunity.
[15:20] The power of prayer in decision-making and overcoming doubt.
[18:30] The importance of nurturing God-given desires and talents.
[21:45] How to identify and pursue your mission and calling.
[24:10] The role of human cooperation in realizing God's promises.
[27:45] Why worry and doubt can hinder progress and success.
[30:20] The connection between rest and success in overcoming challenges.
[33:15] Encouragement to maintain belief in your initial vision despite changing circumstances.
[35:40] Closing thoughts on living an ambitious, accelerated life through faith.

What is The Growtime Show?

Exploring the principles for living a high-performance life.