Company Interviews

Interview with Jeff Quartermaine, Chairman & CEO of Perseus Mining Ltd.

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Recording date: 26th July 2024

Perseus Mining Limited presents a compelling investment opportunity in the gold mining sector, with a strategic focus on African operations and a commitment to sustainable practices. An Australian-listed company, Perseus has established a strong presence on the African continent, currently operating three mines with additional projects in the pipeline for near-term development.

The company's success is built on its nuanced approach to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, particularly emphasizing the social aspect. CEO Jeff Quartermaine articulates this priority, stating, "For us ESG is spelt slightly differently to the way other people spell it. We spell it with small e, a large capital S and a small G." This focus on social considerations is crucial for maintaining Perseus's social license to operate, which Quartermaine identifies as fundamental to their business model.

Perseus demonstrates remarkable adaptability in its operations across different African countries. The company recognizes the diverse historical, cultural, and economic contexts of each nation and adjusts its practices accordingly while maintaining core values. This flexibility is a key strength in navigating the complex regulatory and social environments in various African jurisdictions.

Investors should take note of Perseus's approach to benefit-sharing. The company operates under a mission to generate benefits for all stakeholders in fair and equitable proportions. Quartermaine reveals that host governments typically receive at least 50% of the revenue generated from their operations. This transparent approach to revenue sharing can help mitigate political risks and foster positive relationships with host governments.

Safety is another core focus for Perseus, as evidenced by its SHED (Safely Home Every Day) program. The company boasts an impressive total recordable injury frequency rate of 1.06 per million man-hours worked across its operations. This strong safety record not only protects employees but can also lead to improved operational efficiency and lower insurance costs.

Perseus's commitment to community development goes beyond simple infrastructure projects. The company recognizes the diverse needs of different demographic groups, particularly focusing on youth engagement in Africa. By investing in education, skills development, and employment opportunities for young people, Perseus is contributing to local development while potentially cultivating a skilled local workforce for its future operations.

From a financial perspective, Perseus's ability to operate successfully across multiple African jurisdictions suggests a robust business model. The company's upcoming quarterly results were anticipated to reflect positively on its operations, particularly given the favorable gold price environment.

For investors, Perseus Mining offers exposure to African gold production through a company that demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of its operating environment. The company's established presence in multiple African gold-producing regions provides geographic diversification within the continent. Its strong focus on ESG, particularly social aspects, potentially reduces operational and political risks.

As with any mining investment, investors should carefully consider the inherent risks associated with resource extraction, commodity price volatility, and operating in emerging markets. Monitoring Perseus's upcoming financial results, keeping an eye on gold prices, and staying informed about the company's development projects will be crucial for assessing its future performance potential.

In conclusion, Perseus Mining presents an attractive opportunity for investors seeking exposure to gold mining in Africa through a company committed to responsible and sustainable practices.

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