The Rubio Method

Let's talk about not being able to believe our own eyes, nice try, an actor/musician that should spend some money, what is going on in Seattle, and a very hypocritical climate changer....

The Rundown with Rubio for Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

Everything Happens for a Reason
- Joey B had a big fundraiser this weekend in CA with Jimmy Kimmel and Obama. Visually, it was not a big success for him. Press Secretary said all deep fakes lately.

There are Winners and Losers in Life
- Left wing media tried to go right after El Trumpo saying he had to be helped on the red carpet buuuuuuut….

Accept and Embrace
- Justin Timberlake got a DUI after midnight last night in the Hamptons.

Working Hard is Not Enough
- Cleveland HS in Seattle, WA had their graduation ceremony on Monday night and decided they would not play the Star-Spangled Banner but, instead, only played the Black National Anthem

Confidence is the Key
- Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban continues to rant and rave on X pushing for Joey B and the Democratic parties’ values. Just put out a post stating “I won’t vote for anyone that doesn’t believe climate change is real” buuuuuuut….

What is The Rubio Method?

The Rubio Method is a show to keep you entertained and educated on current topics that range from sports to politics to pop culture. Guarantee you will laugh and learn through every episode.

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