The Maximum Lawyer Podcast

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Are you a law firm owner who is struggling with mapping out your goals? In this episode of the Maximum Lawyer Podcast, co-host Tyson Mutrux explores the critical role of having a clear vision for both your law firm and personal life.

Many law firm owners struggle with creating a vision for themselves and their own businesses. Tyson shares the creation of his tool, the vision finder and what rules are needed for people to create their vision. These rules include writing your thoughts down on paper and sitting down to let your mind wander. 

Tyson also goes through some of the personal vision questions law firm owners should ask themselves to understand where they want to be. It is best to think about how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you as well as thinking about who the most important people in your life are. These rules and questions in this tool are meant to help you create a vision that you see for yourself.

Take a listen to learn more about this great tool.

00:24 The struggle with creating a vision for law firm owners 
2:09 Detailed rules for creating a vision
4:58 Questions and considerations for personal vision

Tune in to today’s episode and checkout the full show notes here.

Creators & Guests

Jim Hacking
Jim launched Hacking Immigration Law in 2008 and his firm has grown to over 30 employees and helped thousands of individuals obtain their immigration benefits. He is the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.
Tyson Mutrux
Tyson is the founder of Mutrux Firm Injury Lawyers and the co-founder of Maximum Lawyer.

What is The Maximum Lawyer Podcast?

Are you running or starting your own law firm? This is your podcast.