
Join Matthew Gilson, Senior Collateral Risk Analyst, and Heather Gilliam, Collateral Documentation and Operations Manager, for an overview of recent expansions of loan collateral eligibility for farmland mortgages and loans with resolved environmental risks.

Show Notes

Join Matthew Gilson, Senior Collateral Risk Analyst, and Heather Gilliam, Collateral Documentation and Operations Manager, for an overview of recent expansions of loan collateral eligibility for farmland mortgages and loans with resolved environmental risks.
For members seeking more information on the information covered in this episode, please reach out to your Collateral Relationship Specialist.
Institutions in Alabama, Maryland, Virginia, and District of Columbia:
Nadine Spaulding-Betancourt 
Institutions in Florida and Georgia:
Margaret Reece 
Institutions in North Carolina and South Carolina, Capital Markets:
Jamaine Dorsett 
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This podcast is neither a legal interpretation nor a statement of Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta (Bank) policy. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Bank. The information contained herein is not intended to be a source of advice or credit analysis with respect to the material presented, and the information discussed during this podcast does not constitute investment advice. You should not make any decision, financial, investment, trading or otherwise, based on any of the information presented without undertaking independent due diligence and consultation with professional advisors.  The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by Bank employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Bank or any of its directors or officers. If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact the Bank’s Office of General Counsel.

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