The Beer Engine

Alright, let me unleash my fiery fury on this so-called Chicago style thin crust pizza. Where do I even begin? First off, thin crust should be crispy, delicate, and flavorful, not a sad excuse for cardboard with a smear of tomato sauce. But no, this abomination of a pizza has the audacity to call itself "Chicago style." Chicago is famous for its deep-dish pizzas, not this impostor!

And let's talk about the toppings—or lack thereof. Where's the generosity? A few measly pepperonis scattered here and there like they're rationing them out in a famine. And don't even get me started on the cheese situation. I've seen more cheese on a vegan pizza! It's like they're trying to cut costs at the expense of taste and satisfaction.

And the sauce? Oh, the sauce. It's like they forgot to season it or something. Where's the richness, the depth, the tanginess that should make my taste buds sing with joy? Instead, I'm left with a bland, uninspired concoction that makes me question why I even bothered ordering in the first place.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a tasteless, sorry excuse for pizza that wouldn't even satisfy a hungry raccoon dumpster diving behind a pizzeria, then by all means, go ahead and try this Chicago style thin crust. But if you have even an ounce of respect for your taste buds, save yourself the disappointment and look elsewhere.

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What is The Beer Engine?

Every bar worth its salt has its regulars. Cheers had Cliff and Norm, Moe's had Barney and Homer and Lenny and Carl and the guy with the hat and the green vest and that one balding guy (?). Barstool Sports has that maniac who rates pizza and goes on alt-right tirades. Hey, but what if the regulars came to you and maybe the conversations were recorded? Maybe they talked about their beers, and they might have unusual hobbies or know too much about buying beer on the internet. Tony and Griff are the regulars at the bar chatting over a few cold ones about beer, or whatever else is going on. Belly up, crack open a Hamm's and feel free to eavesdrop on what these two drunks are going on about today.