I remember sampling at Bayley & Sage. On the shelf were two cans. Black. White. A shrilly lady, probably called Wendy (definitely eats Brie) tuttered: “what ON EARTH is that… Canned water??!! That’s IS never going to work ”Buyers thought the same. So did friends. So did investors. No one though it would work.I kinda did, too. Josh White was maniacally obsessed, even possessed, with making canned water work and reducing plastic.They’ve been the proverbial punching bag for so many challenger brands w...

Show Notes

I remember sampling at Bayley & Sage.
On the shelf were two cans.

A shrilly lady, probably called Wendy (definitely eats Brie) tuttered: “what ON EARTH is that… Canned water??!! that’s IS never going to work”

Buyers thought the same.
So did friends.
So did investors.
No one though it would work.
I kinda did, too

Josh White was maniacally obsessed, even possessed, with making canned water
work and reducing plastic.

They’ve been the proverbial punching bag for so many challenger brands who are now entering the category.

Josh’s approach to brand building is TOTALLY UNIQUE

Josh is a TOTAL Legend.

Cano Water® were the proverbial punching bag for so many challenger brands who are now entering the category.

Josh is a total legend. Raw. Honest. Vulnerable.

Someone who transmogrifies "No" from headwind to tailwind


1. The Crucial Difference between innovators and copy cats - how to lead from the front and follow your creative calling

2. The Power of Juxtaposition in branding to stand out in crowded categories
How to Be the Richest Man in the World (…and it’s not financial)

3. Why Challenger Brands need to think like Fashion brand like Gucci or Channel to truly disrupt categories

4. How Josh Hustled to get Ed Sheeran, Lewis Hamilton,Harry Styles & more celebs drinking Cano

5. How the word “No” will make you indestructible if you just keep going - Cano were the punching bag for the category
6. “Just think about today” - Lessons from Rehab for challenger food and drink founders

7. The fine art of “Open” vs “Closed” distribution (this is super smart and something I’d never heard before)

8. How Josh got his brand in front of Ricky Gervais and Won investment


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What is HUNGRY.?

HUNGRY. is the podcast for Challenger Food and Drink brands wanting to pour gasoline on their growth. Fancy being kind? Want to feel warm inside? Please hit the Subscribe button. You’d really, really make my week.