The Recovery Warrior Shows

Who are you without an eating disorder?

Today's guest is fellow recovery warrior, mental health nurse, and best-selling author Cara Lisette. Over the years she’s candidly and vulnerably shared her journey of recovering from an eating disorder and bipolar disorder through social media and her blog Cara’s Corner.

Cara is passionate about recovery, and breaking down the stigmas around eating disorders and all mental health struggles, while emphasizing the importance of finding who you are outside of your diagnosis, and knowing that these struggles don’t define you.

Let's dive in as Cara joins host Andrea Wells to dig deeper into these topics, and discuss her work and her recovery journey, as she shares valuable insights to help set you on a stronger path in healing.



What is The Recovery Warrior Shows?

Real talk. Real insights. Real stories of recovery helping people stop fighting food and their body since 2012.

Welcome to Recovery Warriors podcast channel. Where many voices come together to share the one great journey to full eating disorder recovery.

With a unique lineup of shows, your food, body, and self-esteem struggles are covered from every angle. Balancing science and soul, we tell stories and share evidence-based research behind what it takes to recover from restriction, anorexia, bulimia, over-exercising, binge eating, chronic dieting and disordered eating. Not only that, we also cover the underlying trauma, limiting beliefs, and painful emotions that keep you trapped in cycles of feeling powerless and stuck.

It’s exhausting constantly thinking about food and worrying about your weight. You, dear warrior, don’t have to live like this. Together, let’s march forward into a future where you’re living, breathing proof that recovery is possible.