The Arnies

We are back to talking The Falcon and the Winter Soldier today with episode 5: "Truth." Reeling from the events of last week's episode, Sam and Bucky are forced to confront John Walker. Sam comes to terms with what it would mean for a black man to take up the mantle of Captain America. Lastly, Sam and Bucky agree to be just "a couple of guys." Listen in to hear our thoughts!

Show Notes

Is Marvel forming their own Suicide Squad? Let us know on Instagram! @thearnies


What is The Arnies?

A podcast by three best friends with nothing better to do! We discuss Movies, TV, Fandom, and everything in between. This a show for anyone. We’re just three friends who decided to turn on a mic for our weekly conversations. We plan to have some laughs, maybe some cries. But mostly just a good time. We hope you’ll listen in!