Summer Consortium

Fr. Rocky illuminated the importance of St. Joseph, particularly during this special “Year of St. Joseph” being celebrated in the Catholic Church in 2021. His example as a husband, father, and as protector of the Catholic Church is one to emulate during these confusing times, said Fr. Rocky, pointing to St. Joseph as a guide in the days ahead

Show Notes

Christendom College welcomed benefactors and distinguished guests for its annual Summer Consortium event, focused the theme “The Kingship of Christ and Defending Religious Liberty.” Featuring talks from Dr. Ryan Anderson, Fr. Francis “Rocky” Hoffman, and others, the event provided a rich intellectual and spiritual journey for participants as they discussed the deep questions that challenge the Catholic Faith in our present age.

Fr. Rocky illuminated the importance of St. Joseph, particularly during this special “Year of St. Joseph” being celebrated in the Catholic Church in 2021. His example as a husband, father, and as protector of the Catholic Church is one to emulate during these confusing times, said Fr. Rocky, pointing to St. Joseph as a guide in the days ahead.

What is Summer Consortium ?

Amid the splendor of the Virginia countryside, a select group accompany a variety of lecturers and some of the College’s best professors on an intellectual and spiritual journey representing the height of the Christendom College experience.