Nothing is more powerful than Connections! We are 1.3 million alumni strong - let's CONNECT! AmeriCorps National Service stands as a beacon of hope and unity, embodying the spirit of service that defines the very essence of community and citizenship. We are a voice for national and community service.
We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn, and connect with each other! Let's Serve Life After AmeriCorps!
AmeriCorps Alumni Service Projects during AmeriCorps Week
March 10th - 16th in Partnership with ToolBank's across the countryToday we talk with
Shannon Stober. Shannon served with AmeriCorps VISTA. With a degree in sociology and women's studies, and a less obvious career path, Shannon applied for a VISTA position in Bozeman Montana, got the opportunity packed up her 120 pound dog and a desk and drove to Montana from Colorado - to start her National Service Journey!
What do you foresee for us Alumni? What can we do!?Shout outs!Podcast Production and Marketing support provided by
Do Good, Be Good - they provide training for AmeriCorps programs and are staffed by AmeriCorps alumni.
Hosting and podcast consultation provided by Producer
Dan Metivier of Time or Money Production. Thank you, Dan! (p.s., he's an NCCC AmeriCorps Alumni)