Cumi Cheree


In this episode, Dena Cheree shares her personal testimony of struggling with homosexuality and finding her true identity in Christ. She discusses the challenges she faced, including domestic violence, and how God led her out of that lifestyle. Dena emphasizes the importance of understanding one's true identity in Christ and renouncing false identities imposed by others. She encourages listeners to confront the names and titles the enemy has given them and replace them with the truth of God's Word.

  • Our true identity is found in Christ, not in the names or titles imposed by others.
  • Sin always takes us further than we want to go and keeps us longer than we want to stay.
  • God is a Redeemer and can restore and transform any life, no matter the struggles or mistakes.
  • Renouncing false identities and speaking God's truth over our lives is essential for finding freedom and living in our true identity.

What is Cumi Cheree ?

Cumi Cheree means "Arise, Beloved." Cumi Cheree is a fresh invitation to women to embody the rest that comes from trusting God. As we embark on this wellness journey with you, we will explore our personal struggles and victories--as well as those of other women. We look forward to being vulnerable with you--for it is when we are weak that we are strong.