AmeriCorps Connections

1.2  Million AmeriCorps Alumni STRONG!  We are a voice for national and community service.  We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other!  Let's Serve Life After AmeriCorps!

Today we talk with Paul Nolan
Connect with Paul on LinkedIn He will be offended if you don't ;)
Listen to Paul during his time as class president at North Carolina State - LINK

Big ideas and takeaways from our conversation:
The biggest opportunity for the country is to unlock the talent and heart of the AmeriCorps Alumni! (this made me cry!)
  1. Paul had an opportunity to step into a Washington Consulting job - and chose service, because values were more important. 
  2. Service Year Alliance - 2023 AmeriCorps Alums Segal Leadership Award 
    1.  AmeriCorps Agency - Eli Segal Leadership Fellows Comin soon! 
  3. Fulbright Fellows! Cousin to Peace Corps! Education and cultural exchange. 
  4. Listen to the birthday wish to get to the Lofoten Islands in Norway during the onset of COVIC19!
What do you foresee for us Alumni? What can we do!?
  1. Join AmeriCorps Alums LinkedIn Group 
  2. Advocate "educate" about the need for the education award to no be taxable income.
  3. Tell a friend! Talk about your service year and encourage people to serve!
    1. 65+ Join AmeriCorps Seniors! 
Alumni Connections -

Shout out!
Hosting and podcast consultation provided by Producer Dan of Time or Money Production.  Thank you Dan! (p.s., he's an AmeriCorps Alumni)
Check him out on IG -
★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

What is AmeriCorps Connections?

1 Million AmeriCorps member STRONG! We are a loud voice for national and community service. We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other! Let's serve Life After AmeriCorps!

Watch the conversation on You Tube -
Follow AmeriCorps Connections on Instagram -