Community News Updates from CJSR

It CAN be done: A pedestrian-focused corridor, right in Edmonton.

Show Notes

Imagine a civic plaza connected to a pedestrian walkway running to the Ribbon of Steel in Edmonton! Or, just think back to that marvelous Open Street Festival we had a few years back on Jasper and times that by 365 days! What bliss!

The potential is high for Edmontonians to be able to walk along streets, glance in shop windows, get food, drinks, or library books and then cool off by wading in the either City Hall pool or the Alberta Legislature Pool. 

However, more information is being gathered for how to make a pedestrianized corridor from 99th Street to 103rd Street or extend it even further to 109 Street as we speak. It would create a pedestrian space that piggybacks off of the closure of 102 Avenue. 

Changing the space to one slated for pedestrians adheres to city policy, creates a vital, safe place for all manners of citizens to do active transportation and addresses the City of Edmonton’s Climate Emergency goals.

What is Community News Updates from CJSR?

Daily 1-minute community news updates for Edmontonians.

Originally, this project shared news bites about COVID-19 in Edmonton, how it's impacting people in our community, and support services available. A pop-up podcast published every weekday by CJSR 88.5 FM, Edmonton's campus and community radio station.