Chris Waddell's Nametags Chat Podcast

Tyler Byers began racing at the age of nine. His first major road race was the Bloomsday 12K in Spokane, Wash., in 1992 - a race he's competed in ever since. Byers went to his first Junior National Wheelchair Championships in 1994, and came away with a bronze medal in the 1,500m. It was then that Byers decided to set his sights even higher, aiming for the Paralympic Games. Out of high school, Byers was recruited by Derek Brown to race on the University of Arizona wheelchair racing team, where he competed throughout his undergraduate career.
In 2003, Byers qualified for the 1,500m World Championship finals in Paris, France, as one of the top eight individuals in the world. After competing at the 2004 Paralympic Games in Athens, Greece, Byers traveled to Beijing to participate in the 2008 games.
Byers graduated from the University of Arizona in 2005 with a degree in engineering mathematics. He currently lives with his wife Analee and two cats.

What is Chris Waddell's Nametags Chat Podcast?

Those who face the greatest adversity tell the most enlightening stories. Hall of Fame Paralympic athlete, the first “nearly unassisted” paraplegic to summit Mt Kilimanjaro and the founder of One Revolution Foundation Chris Waddell chats with members of the adaptive community regarding some of life’s most enduring questions: am I a victim or a survivor, is the situation overwhelming or a challenge, am I alone or part of a team and do I have one strategy or many? One Revolution’s Nametags Educational Program provides a jumping off point for people who live a life of courage, fulfilment and purpose that defies many.