Additive Snack

In this interview from the IMTS+ Creators Lounge, Additive Snack host Fabian Alefeld interviews Duann Scott the founder of Bits to Atoms and creator of the DfAM substack. They discuss new materials, new design tools, new business models, and the impact AM can have on the world.

Show Notes

Companies can struggle with taking on a challenging AM project without a solid education or a complete understanding of the technology. Focusing on understanding the technology with all its opportunities and its limitations can help companies identify applications where AM can add value for a positive business case. Starting simple to get some early wins is the key to unlocking all of the possibilities of AM. In this interview from the IMTS+ Creators Lounge, Additive Snack host Fabian Alefeld interviews Duann Scott the founder of Bits to Atoms and creator of the DfAM substack. They discuss new materials, new design tools, new business models, and the impact AM can have on the world.

Comments about the show or wish to share your AM journey? Contact us at The Additive Snack Podcast is brought to you by EOS.

Key Takeaways:

[2:06] Duann shares his intentions of educating people about the design aspect of additive manufacturing.

[4:40] Duann created the DfAM substack as a way to get information out there with no gatekeepers, no filters, and no corporate narrative.

[7:16] Duann’s advice for individuals and companies when beginning the design process for 3D printing. 

[9:20] The MITxPRO AMx course is critical for educating designers and accelerating the growth of the AM industry.

[13:04] Duann shares thoughts on how to get the current and future manufacturing workforce interested and educated about additive manufacturing. 

[22:15] The efficient use of energy is one of the biggest impacts AM can have to create a better future. 


“Do something easy. Get an easy win to understand what is possible.”— Duann Scott of Bits to Atoms on how to start a design for 3D printing

“It’s not a magic box. It can do a lot but you need to put in a lot of work to make it happen.”— Duann Scott, Founder, Bits to Atoms

“Manufacturing can be a cool job. You get to make things which are substantial and change people's lives significantly.” — Duann Scott, Founder, Bits to Atoms  

“The risk of a project failure, if you overdo it, can actually overshadow the whole additive manufacturing journey.”— Fabian Alefeld, Host of the Additive Snack podcast

What is Additive Snack?

Join host Fabian Alefeld and a range of guests as they discuss all things additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing news, with interviews and real-world stories to educate and entertain. Each episode, Fabian talks to AM experts, professionals in specialist fields, and 3D printing users from all walks of life to deliver a well-rounded view on the state of AM.

Cut through the confusion surrounding polymer and metal additive manufacturing solutions with our digestible, down-to-earth discussions that deliver insights into common mistakes and best practice tips so you can get a clear understanding of AM — layer for layer.

Whether you’re curious about 3D printing technology for the aerospace industry, a deep dive into post processing, or applications of injection molding — we leave no spare parts behind. We want to provide you with the additive insight needed to stay laser focused and leverage every opportunity 3D printing materials have to offer.

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