This week Scarz & Eli discuss how the power of racism, in the work place or a sport team people are willing to lose out on money or a win because they dont want someone black to lead and is there too much sex in society.

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To Listen & Subscribe to the Podcast on any platform - 
  • (00:00) - Intro
  • (01:44) - Lose the game due to racism
  • (00:23) - The Future For Our Kids in 2050
  • (34:39) - Too much Sex Everywhere

Creators & Guests

Co-Founder of GM5M
Co-Founder of GM5M

What is GM5M?

The #GM5M podcast is where Scarz & Eli speak their raw and honest thoughts. Growing up Black in the UK comes with alot of unwritten rules and expectations and these are the topics they like to discuss head on every Sunday.

The unique part of the podcast is that anyone can say “Give Me 5 Minutes” at any point, the timer starts and that person has 5 minutes to speak uninterrupted.