Designing for Everyone

One of the hottest topics out there is the rise of artificial intelligence and in particular of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT. Suddenly machines can pass MBA exams, write memos for you, create computer codes, and much much more. At the same time, the conversation around the potential harms, and in particular the inequities, that can be created by such technologies is also accelerating. How can we take advantage of all of the incredible things it can do without suffering from its potential harms?  And, is that even possible?  In this episode, we talk to Annie Veillet and Allison Cohen to answer these questions.

What is Designing for Everyone?

Business leaders and policy makers often fail to consider how their policies, products, services and processes can have impacts on inequality. To think about how to unlock innovative opportunities using an intersectional gender lens, GATE joined with our Rotman partner, the TD Management and Data Analytics lab, to host a one-day conference in the Spring of 2023 called “Gender Analytics: Possibilities” (or GAP). This podcast shares exciting panel conversations from the conference on topics like decolonizing data and design, inclusive government policy, responsible AI, and more.