
September 4th 2024 – This week we’re speaking with Carl Schubert of BioCache Lab Solutions based out of Mississauga, Ontario. BioCache exists to help hospitals manage and retain valuable biospecimens that hold insights into patients' health and disease progression, helping scientists with research. We’ll talk about the inception of BioCache, the importance of resilience and patience for entrepreneurs, and planning for things to take longer than expected.

BioCache Lab Solutions - biocache.com
Get Your Tickets to The NGBI Summit: nextgreatbigideas.com
Lab Occupier: laboccupier.com

Creators & Guests

Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson has 35 years of experience in commercial real estate and leads a contract real estate team working exclusively with Tenants in Canadian Life Sciences. He is the founder and Chair of www.NextGreatBigIdeas.com - Canada's Life Sciences Summit and the host of the NGBIdeas & NGBI Lab podcasts.

What is #NGBiLab?

The NGBI Lab shines a light on startups in Canadian Life Sciences. This is the sister podcast of NGBIdeas and part of NextGreatBigIdeas.com - Canada's Life Sciences Summit.