Jonathan Edwards Center Podcast

Welcome to the Jonathan Edwards Podcast brought to you by the Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary. Dr. Chris Woznicki is a research fellow at the Jonathan Edwards Center, or the JEC. For those of you unfamiliar with the JEC, it's one of 10 International affiliate centers of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University. Here at Gateway Seminary, we strive to be the educational epicenter for researching the life and works of America's premier theologian. We do that by strengthening our existing doctoral programs, by networking with international scholarly communities and churches, and finally, by hosting this podcast. In these episodes, we get to talk to premier Jonathan Edwards scholars about their cutting edge work. We'll also get the opportunity to talk about some of Edwards's most famous works, and most importantly, we'll get to chat about why any of this matters. Thanks for listening! We invite you to listen to our first episode, premiering on April 9th.

Creators & Guests

Chris Woznicki
Research Fellow at the JEC at Gateway Seminary and Affiliate Instructor in Theology at Fuller Seminary

What is Jonathan Edwards Center Podcast?

Featuring host Chris Woznicki and special guests on Jonathan Edwards.