The Brilliant Body Podcast with Ali Mezey

In this episode, the Ali converses with an education innovator, Aitabé Fornés, who is revolutionising the field through the integration of embodiment practices. Aitabé shares personal experiences and insights into how embodiment can transform traditional educational paradigms, leading to more holistic and impactful learning experiences. Through her journey of exploration, Aitabé discusses the challenges of systemic education, the power of tapping into "the field," and the profound impact of coherence in learning. Listeners are invited to reconsider the role of the body in education and explore new possibilities for cultivating deeper connections between students, their environments, and the learning process.

Exploration Points
The Integration of Embodiment in Education:
   - Explore how embodiment practices can enhance learning experiences and foster deeper connections between students and their environments.

Challenges of Systemic Education:
   - Investigate the obstacles faced in mainstreaming systemic education and the strategies employed to overcome these challenges.

Tapping into "The Field"
   - Delve into the concept of accessing "The Field" and how embodiment can serve as a gateway to uncovering deeper insights and understanding.

The Power of Coherence in Learning:
   - Examine the role of coherence in the learning process and its profound impact on student engagement, comprehension, and personal growth.

Cultural Identity and Education:
   - Reflect on the influence of cultural identity on educational approaches and explore how embracing diverse perspectives can enrich the learning experience.

Embodiment as a Path to Transformation:
   - Consider embodiment as a transformative tool in education, empowering students to cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and resilience.

Future of Education Through Embodiment:
   - Envision the future of education through the lens of embodiment, exploring innovative approaches to teaching and learning that prioritize holistic well-being and systemic coherence.

Personal Geometry® and the Magic of Mat Work Course information:
Transgenerational Healing Films:

Ali's short description of Constellation Work:

Social: FB Aitabé Fornés
YouTube: Sensethinking
Aitabé is a Family & Systemic Constellations facilitator and the creator of Sensethinking, an embodied approach to education that is inspired by constellation work. 
Aitabé had been teaching high school for over a decade when she found Family Constellation work. As she shares in her e-book, Sensethinking: A Pedagogy for a New Paradigm, discovering constellation work changed the direction of her life. The question that arose for her after her first constellation workshop was: if this is possible, what else is possible? Working with teens and her own children, she developed the Five Dimensions of Inquiry framework for applying systemic constellation work in education. Now she trains other educators to step into their essential role of awakening the whole-body intelligence of every learner.
You can get a free copy of her ebook at


Marianne Franke-Gricksch: You’re One of Us! Systemic Insights and Solutions for Teachers, Students and Parents

ECL: Emotional Well Being, Creativity, and Learning
A paper from 2006 about the early work of ECL

Some ECL Folks:
Judith Hemming 
Barbara Morgan 
Jane James
Janet Goldblatt
Linda Baker 

The Field: In Family Constellation Work, "the field" refers to felt-sense access to consciousness in which the dynamics and relationships within a family system are explored and understood. This concept is rooted in the idea that there is an interconnectedness and energy that flows between family members, impacting their behaviors, emotions, and relationships. The field is believed to hold information about an individual's and family's history, unresolved traumas, and hidden dynamics, which can be revealed and addressed through the Constellation process.

"Maslow before Bloom": The idea is that the hierarchy of needs have to be met before students can meet educational goals. 

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian practice for reconciliation and forgiveness, aimed at resolving conflicts within individuals or groups. It involves expressing feelings, listening empathetically, and seeking forgiveness to restore harmony and balance. It's also used as a personal healing practice, emphasizing taking responsibility for one's experiences and seeking inner peace through forgiveness.

Our events & content remain free as part of our mission to awaken people to the boundless potential of our bodies, inviting them to explore the profound knowledge, memory, brilliance & capacity within. By delving into the depths of our bodily intelligence as a healing resource for not just ourselves, but as a part of the larger, global body, we have the potential for meaningful change and experiences as bodies. Join us in this journey of transformation as we redefine our understanding of the human body and its infinite capabilities. While our events remain free, any contributions are deeply appreciated and are seen as a generous gesture of support and encouragement in sharing our messages with the world.

ENCOURAGE US!: Donate $5 


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What is The Brilliant Body Podcast with Ali Mezey?

The Brilliant Body Podcast with Ali Mezey is a forum to learn about and liberate the brilliance of your body. Join me, Ali Mezey, and other body masters to explore pioneering perspectives on what it actually means – and feels like – to be embodied.

Whether you feel disconnected from your body due to trauma, shame, pain, cultural conditioning or lack of education or you already feel at home in your body but want to learn to have more pleasure, awareness and access to your body’s guidance – this is the podcast for you.

Each one of my trailblazing guests will share their expertise and unique mission to thrive, as a body.

Together, we’ll explore how to access and engage the vast, detailed and useful intelligence contained within our flesh.

So join us and reclaim your body’s brilliance!