Unreflected data insights

Do you know the single builder super power?

Everything happens in her/his head? There is no lost in translation. Everything is clear and has all context needed. No explanations needed. That is the reason why single builder can achieve such a high speed measured for one person.

Show Notes

Startups know this phenomena as well. In the very early days when there are 4 people sitting in one room the whole time churning away code, ideas and tasks. That changes drastically when the company then grows. The lost in translation problem starts to occur. Context gets missed out, people don't communicate, processes need to be established.

I have my own lost in translation issue with Datatasks. I decided to split up frontend and backend and let the development been done by different persons (for some time including me). For Mind the docs I decided differently and we develop everything with Django. So one dev is responsible for frontend and backend at the same time. Works 100% better. So learning for me, focus resources so no lost in translation happens in the first place. That something for a later stage.

What is Unreflected data insights?

In 2021 I have started to build data products on my own.

Datatasks - https://datatasks.dev/ - is a no-code data monitoring platform that helps analytics teams to focus on cool tasks like data deep dives.

Mind the docs - https://www.mindthedocs.app/ - is a a documentation platform for analytics and data setups

At some point in summer, I started also to experiment with productized services. And it went so well, that sucked up all attention until the end of 2021. So in the end it was an unexpected and clear decision. I will build productized services with deepskydata the leading agency for tracking and measurement setups.

This podcast is an ongoing experiment. And it heavily relies on your feedback. And it's a journal so that some days will be excellent. And some might be boring.