Technology Untangled

Digital transformation has been the most overused buzzword in the technology industry for the last four years, and yet it's all we can talk about. After that shake-up of 2020, the dust is slowly starting to settle and organisations all over the world are asking themselves one simple question: what the tech happens next?!

Show Notes

Digital transformation has been the most overused buzzword in the technology industry for the last four years, and yet it's all we can talk about. After that shake-up of 2020, the dust is slowly starting to settle and organisations all over the world are asking themselves one simple question: what the tech happens next?!

Today, host Michael Bird discovers what happened to digital transformation initiatives during the pandemic. We talk business continuity and the evolving role of IT departments with HPE's Dave Strong. Alex Haddow tells us how Tottenham Hotspur used innovation to keep fans engaged during lockdown. Plus, consultant and robotic process automation expert Dan Broomham explains why 2020's most successful organisations kept employee experience top of mind.

The long show notes for this episode can be found here:

Creators & Guests

Michael Bird

What is Technology Untangled?

Why isn't talking tech as simple, quick, and agile as its innovations promise to be?

Technology Untangled is just that - a show that deciphers tech's rapid evolutions with one simple question in mind: what's really going to shape our future (and what's going to end up in the bargain bin with the floppy disc)?

Join your host Michael Bird as he untangles innovation through a series of interviews, stories, and analyses with some of the industry's brightest brains. No marketing speak, no unnecessary jargon. This is real tech talk from the people who know it inside and out.

Discover which tools and systems are revolutionising the way we do business, what's up next on the endless innovation agenda, and, most importantly, how you can future-proof and get ahead of the curve.