Shawn Berke stopped by the pod to sit in for Derek who is still out to be a good dad. Heinz has launched a new fashion line with ketchup stains but it’s actually a really cool thing for charity. Any movie is better with superheros even if they are out of shape as one comic artist claims Namor is. Dale walks Shawn through character licensing for Marvel movies. Which body part would you replace with android technology? Shawn has pinpointed the exact moment we turn into old men. The Disney+ Obi Wan Kenobi series made both the title character and Darth Vader better. The guys talk about electronica and jazz. Shawn explains Japanese jazz. She Hulk twerked in episode 3. Google and yelp reviews were deemed defamation in a recent court case. AI wins art competition. Hilary Clinton shares dancing photos in support of Finnish president.
We're the world's leading only internet outrage-related podcast, taking a good hard look at the things that made social media mad this week, and explaining why you're dumb for caring.