The Uncultured Saints

More sowing, just like the last time. Except here there is just a field; a field with good seed sown by a good man. But then his enemy comes and sows tares amongst the wheat; right overtop, intertwined. What’s to be done? That is the question the servants want to know...

Show Notes

More sowing, just like the last time. Except here there is just a field; a field with good seed sown by a good man. But then his enemy comes and sows tares amongst the wheat; right overtop, intertwined. What’s to be done? That is the question the servants want to know. They see the problem and they want it fixed. But the man says, “No.” The time is not right for the tares to be uprooted, and besides, the servants aren’t given to this task anyway. The reapers will come, leave the reaping to them…And that is the hard part: staying silent when we know that we know better than God…But as Jesus explains later, not one of the blades of wheat will be thrown into the fire. We don’t have to worry about that. And we don’t have to worry about the tares getting a free ride either. He has that taken care of as well. The harvesting and the separating, that’s not given to the servants nor is it given to the wheat. Jesus seems to have it all under control. He usually does…

What is The Uncultured Saints?

We’re told the same thing over and over. Christianity doesn’t fit with today’s culture. The thing is, it isn’t the culture saying it. It’s the church. We’ve done a great job figuring out what we’re not. Sometimes we forget what we are. We’re the saints, washed in the blood of the lamb. We’re sinners Jesus made holy. This defines us. There are places Christianity doesn’t fit with today’s culture because Christianity isn’t bound by culture. We’re free in Christ to be uncultured. Not against it. Not apart from it. Undefined by it, because we’re defined by something greater. Join Pr. Goodman and Pr. Lietzau, the uncultured saints, as we tackle today’s issues through the lens of the Lutheran Confessions and find answers to today’s questions rooted in a timeless truth in Christ.